
Welcome to Horton Congregational Church! We are Congregationalists, meaning we are organized and governed by our own church body. Each Congregational church in America runs independently from the National Association, although the National is available for assistance at all times for any individual church assistance.

We are a Scripture based church, professing our faith through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our services lean toward a traditional setting with our sermon each Sunday derived from a passage from the Bible. We have a strong church family which supports one another in good times and in bad. Our quaint sanctuary is warm and welcoming, so please come and join us some time!

Sunday Worship

Sunday worship begins at 10:30 a.m. (10:00 a.m. Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend) and typically lasts an hour with a mix of traditional hymns, scripture and responsive readings, a special music selection or choir anthem, and a sermon.  Optional Junior Church is offered for a portion of the service for those first grade and younger.  Children are certainly welcome to remain in worship if they prefer.  We encourage you to come as you are.  Most people will wear casual to business casual attire.

A Brief History

The Horton Congregational Church was gathered in 1854. The Church is a congregational church which basically means that the church’s form of government includes a membership vote on important matters. The Church is is a member of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches. A brief history of the Horton Congregational Church finds that the current church building we call ‘home’ was established in 1854.

Around that time we shared the same church edifice with the Methodists, and members of the two congregations held their respective services at different hours on Sunday mornings. One of the old church documents states, “Sad to relate, each group made a practice of draining the kerosene from the lamps at the conclusion of its service, so that the other would be compelled to furnish its own. Before long each group apparently expressed a desire to have its own place of worship”. The building was originally located one lot directly to the north of where we are today. In 1871, the Methodists agreed to sell the original building to us, and we purchased it sometime after that date, eventually moving the structure to its current location. Several different denominations and ministers have led our church body over the course of the last 150 years. In 1995, under the leadership of Rev. James Mann, we joined the body of Congregationalists under the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches located in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.